Building a Better Performance Review Process Template

The annual performance review is somewhat of an institution in the corporate world, public and not-for-profit organizations, and smaller companies. But it is changing – and project management stands to be a driver in the change. As the pace of change continues to accelerate, annual review mode of doing business has grown tired and outmoded … Read more

First Mover Advantage Theory: What Effects On Your Projects?

Are you are working on a situation at the initial and growth stages of a business? This post explores the opportunities, risks, and impacts of being the ‘first mover’ during the growth stage of a business. The decision to be a first mover is not clear cut, and it can just as often be advantageous … Read more

Get Agile About Strategy: Develop a Strategic Agility Competency

What do you get when you combine Agile with Strategy? If there is such a thing, I would call it Strategic Agility Competency. Strategy, like project management, is plagued with the dilemma that while planning is good, the world changes so fast that the time it takes to plan can result in a changed value … Read more

BCG Growth Share Matrix Diagram: Where Do Your Projects Fit?

This post examines the Boston Consulting Group Growth Share Matrix – developed by Bruce Henderson of the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) back in the early 1970s – and how it might relate to your projects. As the name implies, the Growth Share Matrix allows you to visualize a product or service business related to the … Read more

Method123 Templates Review: Impress Your Clients and Customers!

This post reviews Method123 Project Management templates. I have used Method123 templates for years and really like them, especially certain specific templates. However, I do not think that one type of templates is always the answer. In fact, what I have learned is that much of the benefit from using any type of template is … Read more

Objectives and Key Results: Leverage OKR Best Practices

Tracking results makes sense on any project, or any endeavor. There are many frameworks that can help you track results – and people have been tracking results long before the existence of these frameworks! So why would you need a tracking framework, what makes one special or unique over another, and how would you go … Read more

Managing Through the Four Business Development Life Cycle Stages

I have previously talked about the product life cycle, and how it is helpful in project planning to have perspective on what your project is supporting in terms of the product life cycle stages. That applies to businesses that produce and sell products. There is another model, similar in structure, about the business development life … Read more

Apply Customer Experience Management Models to Your Projects

I am a believer in extracting best practices, wherever we can find them, and incorporating them into my own challenges. As a project manager, you have customers on your projects. Some of your projects may actually be to support customer experience (CX) – many digital strategy projects are. This post provides some background that may … Read more

The S Curve in Project Management, PPM, and Company Strategy

The S curve is a simple concept that illustrates natural phenomena – and thus is helpful in modeling, planning, and tracking in many applications. This post explores how it can be helpful in project planning, status reporting, project portfolio management (PPM), and in developing company strategy and tracking toward strategic goals. The S curve is … Read more

What Are the Benefits of a Balanced Scorecard for a Project Manager?

The Balanced Scorecard is an interesting approach that, at the time or its origination, called to the attention of managers that there was more to measuring performance than just financial results. One of the originators, Dr. Robert Kaplan, was the Dean of the business school are Carnegie Mellon when I attended, and he was an … Read more