The Automattic Creed: Long Range Thinking That’s Agile

This post discusses the ‘creed’ for a software technology company, Automaticc. It goes deep with line by line thoughts on the creed, as well as detailed discussion of implications for strategy and project management. This is full of ideas for action for the strategic PM.

The Automattic Creed

I bumped across this today, and thought I would share it. It really impressed me…and spoke to me in a deep way. It’s a creed – or sort of mission statement, but more.

I will never stop learning. I won’t just work on things that are assigned to me. I know there’s no such thing as a status quo. I will build our business sustainably through passionate and loyal customers. I will never pass up an opportunity to help out a colleague, and I’ll remember the days before I knew everything. I am more motivated by impact than money, and I know that Open Source is one of the most powerful ideas of our generation. I will communicate as much as possible, because it’s the oxygen of a distributed company. I am in a marathon, not a sprint, and no matter how far away the goal is, the only way to get there is by putting one foot in front of another every day. Given time, there is no problem that’s insurmountable.

I think this ‘creed’ – while specific to Automattic – speaks to various aspects of strategic and tactical thinking – the subject of this blog. It brings together the why and how – in a world of uncertainty.

Let’s take a closer look and thinking about what each statement is saying.

Line By Line – Strategic, Tactical, and Digital

Here’s a breakdown, line by line – with my ideas on what it means.

  1. I will never stop learning – This recognizes that change is inevitable, and knowledge is perishable. Learning is part of strategy – part of making the enterprise sustain and survive.
  2. I won’t just work on things that are assigned to me – There is a value in generosity…and teamwork. And it is essential to survival. We are co-dependent, or interdependent. We are individuals, but are a team, and together are worth more than the sum of the parts. Let’s help each other advance so that we altogether can advance.
  3. I know there’s no such thing as a status quo – This acknowledges that everything is susceptible to change, and to being disrupted. That is both an opportunity and a risk.
  4. I will build our business sustainably through passionate and loyal customers – This acknowledges that the customer is the center…that without the customer we have nothing. It defines sustainment and survival of the business as maintaining a healthy and growing relationship with customers – by making them passionate and loyal.
  5. I will never pass up an opportunity to help out a colleague, and I’ll remember the days before I knew everything – This encourages everyone to put themselves in someone else’s shoes. Of course, no one knows everything – it puts it in plain and fun language – so we all need help sometimes. Plus, generosity is the food for relationships, and this is the attitude to take to provide that food.
  6. I am more motivated by impact than money – This recognizes that it’s not always easy to fully see the end result of our efforts. Some efforts may be profitable, but all contribute something to positive results in some way. Ultimately, an accumulation of positive actions and results – whether from curiosity, or doing good, or doing the right thing – come. And if people are doing things that have impact, there’s opportunity to make strategic decisions along the way.
  7. I know that Open Source is one of the most powerful ideas of our generation – This is a clear statement about the company’s approach to making money. I note that it specifically is saying that it will keep its code open source and not proprietary, as a matter of value and strategy. Other things will allow it to make money, and the common good will best be served.
  8. I will communicate as much as possible, because it’s the oxygen of a distributed company – This highlights and essential ingredient in toady’s remote, work from wherever you are environment. Just because people are not co-located – something that is increasingly impossible and even undesirable – does not mean that communications will be less. Instead, this statement challenges people to find to ways and reasons to communicate.
  9. I am in a marathon, not a sprint – This clearly describes the value of long range thinking. Moving in a positive direction consistently, and begin will to change when needed, is OK in a marathon. And keeping your eye on the distant future is helpful for thinking truly strategically.
  10. No matter how far away the goal is, the only way to get there is by putting one foot in front of another every day – This takes #9 a step further…that continuing to move toward the goal is most important. Of course, agile allows us to break down the long term goal into much shorter steps where progress is easy to measure, near term motivation is achieved, and we can all feel a sense of accomplishment along the way to distant goals.
  11. Given time, there is no problem that’s insurmountable – This is the ultimate motivator. One cannot help but think positively with such an attitude. It is required for strategy and implementation to be the most powerful and effective.

There is clearly a lot of meaning behind this – what do you think?

Let me refine my thoughts by focusing specifically of implications for strategy, then project management.

Implications for Strategy

The Automattic creed reflects a set of values and principles that can have several implications for the strategy of a business. Let’s analyze how each statement in the creed may influence a business’s strategy:

  1. Continuous Learning – The business should prioritize ongoing education and skill development. It should lean in on investments in employee training and development programs, and foster a culture of innovation and adaptability.
  2. Proactive Initiative – The culture should be encouraging toward a proactive approach to problem-solving and innovation. The culture should encourage employees to take the initiative, ultimately identifying new opportunities and improvements.
  3. Anticipating Change – The culture should highlight the need to be vigilant about changes in the business environment. The strategy needs to be adaptable and ready to pivot when necessary.
  4. Customer Focus – The focus on the customer’s needs and desires needs to be apparent in conversations from the top of the organization down to every single employee. Customer-centric strategies and long-term relationships are a priority.
  5. Collaboration and Humility – The culture and strategy should facilitate and promote teamwork, knowledge sharing, and mentorship within the organization.
  6. Impact-Driven – The strategy should focus on creating value that makes a positive difference – with certain defined social responsibility, ethical, and other non-financial considerations – in addition to the necessity of achieving financial success.
  7. Open Source Advocacy – There should be a profound belief in collaboration and open innovation demonstrated in practice. The business should adopt and contribute to open-source practices and build commercial strategy around that.
  8. Communication – As a distributed organization – sourcing the best talent wherever it is – the strategy should prioritize effective internal and external communication. This can impact decision-making processes and customer relationships.
  9. Long-Term Perspective – The business strategy must balance setting achievable milestones with building a long term, sustainable competitive advantage.
  10. Problem Solving – The business must foster a problem-solving orientation. This is consistent with empowerment through training and education as well as encouraging initiative and personal responsibility.

It’s about the practicalities of the implementation of strategy, as I covered in various posts, such as McKinsey 7S Framework, Digital Transformation Strategy, Business Model Innovation, and Network Effect .

And the discussion on ‘business core values and the strategic PM‘ hits on many of the same point.

The creed shapes the culture, values, and priorities, and the strategy must be developed in alignment with these principles. It must be in order to create sustainable value in the long run.

Implications for Project Management

The Automattic creed contains values and principles that can significantly impact the management and implementation of projects within a business. Here’s how each element of the creed can influence project management:

  1. Continuous Learning – Project teams should be encouraged to continually learn and adapt. This includes utilizing improved project methodologies best practices, and the incorporation of new tools and technologies as they become available.
  2. Proactive Initiative – Team members should be empowered to take the initiative and explore innovative solutions to project challenges. This can foster creativity and agility in project management culture.
  3. Anticipating Change – Project managers and teams should be vigilant in anticipating changes in project requirements and the external environment. The approach need to be flexible to adapt to changing project conditions.
  4. Customer Focus – Project objectives should align with creating value for passionate and loyal customers. That includes not only the stakeholders of the project, but the full set of customers of the organization. Customer satisfaction on both fronts needs to be top priority.
  5. Collaboration and Humility – This encourages a culture of collaboration within project teams, where team members help each other and mentor newcomers. Improved project outcomes through knowledge sharing and collective problem-solving are more likely.
  6. Impact-Driven – Define clear project goals that focus on creating a positive impact, even if they don’t directly correlate with financial gains. This can involve social or environmental considerations in project planning.
  7. Open Source Advocacy – Use of open-source tools and practices by default for project development. This can promote collaboration, reduce costs, and enhance project transparency. And it’s consistent with the company-wide approach.
  8. Communication – Emphasize regular and transparent communication among team members, stakeholders, and project sponsors. Keep the importance front and center for all team members, especially in a distributed project environment.
  9. Long-Term Perspective – Consistent with the approach of the strategic PM, view all projects as part of a long-term business strategy. How does the project align with the organization’s overarching goals and contribute to sustainable growth.
  10. Problem Solving – Encourage a problem-solving mindset in project teams. When challenges arise, the focus should be on finding solutions and not giving up. Persistence and adaptability are key.

It’s all about matching the strategy to the culture – in this case one of adaptability, customer-centricity, collaboration, ethical considerations, and a focus on long-term impact. It is essential for project managers and teams to internalize these values and incorporate them into their project management methodologies and decision-making processes.


This post delved into the ‘creed’ for a software technology company, Automaticc. It provided my line by line thoughts on the creed, as well as detailed discussion of implications for strategy and project management.

What are your thoughts and ideas on this creed?

This Video, “Our company values, from the inside out”, can help get you thinking outside the box.

159 thoughts on “The Automattic Creed: Long Range Thinking That’s Agile”

  1. hey John :),

    thanks for the article, it was rly insightful. i found the Automattic creed inspiring. as someone who works in tech, I can relate to the importance of continuous learning and staying adaptable. I also believe that focusing on customers and collaboration is key. open source is indeed a powerful concept.

    this creed is a great framework for success in strategy and project management. it’s all about being agile and making a positive impact 🚀

  2. This blog provides a thoughtful analysis of the Automatic Creed and its implications for both business strategy and project management. It breaks down each element of the creed, showing how its principles can influence various aspects of a company’s approach. 

    The critical takeaway is aligning company culture, values, and strategy to create sustainable value and long-term success. This blog is a valuable resource for those looking to adopt a more agile, customer-focused, and ethical approach to business.

  3. Great Job.  Your explanation/description helped me learn about The Automatic Creed. I never heard of that before.  It is pretty educational and interesting.  Very powerful as well.  It is very inspiring and it is true, that you never stop learning. We cannot keep up with software technology. Thanks for sharing! 

    • Thank you, Carole.  One person alone cannot keep up with sw tech – or anything else!  But as a team, we can share common beliefs and approaches, which is largely what the Creed does.

  4. I found your insights on the Automattic Creed and its connection to long-range agile thinking to be incredibly insightful. It’s fascinating how a set of principles can drive a company’s approach to strategy. Have you personally seen this approach in action at Automattic or in other companies you’ve worked with? I’d love to hear about specific instances where long-range thinking had a significant impact on project success.

    Additionally, your emphasis on adaptability and continuous learning resonated with me. In today’s fast-paced business environment, being able to pivot and learn from both successes and failures is crucial. How do you encourage your team or colleagues to embrace this mindset in their project management efforts? Your experience and strategies in this regard would be valuable for fellow project managers. Thanks for sharing this thoughtful analysis!

    • Thanks for you comment – and questions!  I do not have experience specifically with the Automattic Creed, but do have experience with other similar things.  For example, Accenture sets up goal, or priority, setting in alignment with the key objective areas of the business.  So, each employee develops 3-5 priorities in their selection of areas, so as a global team, there is alignment. 

  5. It’s true that Automattic is an agile solution foe those who need to improve their business constantly. I really like that they crafted their mission statement like a creed! It’s bringing a more spiritual side to their mission. I enjoy in particular the focus on continuous learning, building loyal customers, the sharing of ideas. Also, the open source advocacy is amazing, as always!

    • Yes, agreed!  It’s good to see a spiritual side there.  I find it very personalized and therefore motivating.  Thanks for your comment!

  6. In terms of experience, I work in corrections and it is a continuous learning experience.  There is still so much I have to learn, especially with inmate accountability and tool control.  I have gotten better at it.  This just means I’m continuously learning as I go along with my career in security.  My MPH (Masters in Public Health) degree is adaptable that I can use it in any concentration, be it in research or working with people.

    • Thanks for your comment – and especially for sharing your personal experience in security!  We are all ‘works in progress’!

  7. The first and most important line of the creed means that you’re never finished. There is always more to learn. Your list of unread books is always going to be longer than the ones you’ve read. I fully agree with this and I always believe that we should always be learning throughout our lives. If we stop learning and just sit back, we start to lose our knowledge instead of growing it. At the end of the day, you wouldn’t want to regret the choices you have made in your life when you grow old and look back at your life. 

    • Markus, thanks for your comment!  Indeed, it has never been more clear that we are never finished learning!  I liked the way the Creed brings that and other more specific ideas together as a common rallying point for the organization.

  8. Very interesting creed…What points out to me is that I’m in a marathon not a sprint and the only way to meet my goals is to put one foot in front of the other each day.

    I have a goal to write 10 comments twice a day on other people’s articles so that I can have feedback on my own site.  A bit selfish in nature, but then it is more blessed to give than receive isn’t it?

    • That does not sound too selfish to me – to give 10 comments twice daily to other people!  I suggest that you just participate as unselfishly as possible and karma will happen.  Best of luck to you!

  9. John, your breakdown of the Automattic Creed and its implications for both strategy and project management is incredibly insightful. The creed’s emphasis on continuous learning, proactive initiative, and anticipating change resonates deeply with me, especially in the context of today’s rapidly evolving business environment. I’m particularly intrigued by the balance between open-source advocacy and creating sustainable business value. How do you see this balance playing out in practice, especially in industries that are traditionally more closed-off? Also, the point about communication being the ‘oxygen of a distributed company’ is spot on. In your experience, what are some effective strategies for maintaining clear and consistent communication in a remote work setting? This article has certainly sparked some new ideas for me, and I’m keen to explore how these principles can be applied in different business contexts.

    • I cannot help but think that industries that are closed off will be less and less able to survive.  The new competitive advantage is network advantage – see my post on Network Effects.

      And I think that for remote work settings, regular touchpoints, consistent deliverable requirements, and teambuilding-focused meetings are most effective.  But there is so much more to it!  Thanks for asking – could be subject for a future post.

  10. Hi John,
    I just read your post on “The Automattic Creed: Long Range Thinking That’s Agile,” and I must say, it’s quite an exciting piece. Your line-by-line breakdown of the Automattic Creed and its implications for both strategy and project management is thought-provoking. It’s intriguing how you’ve connected the creed’s principles to practical aspects of business strategy and project management.
    One thing that stood out to me is the emphasis on open-source advocacy and its role in shaping business strategy. It’s a refreshing perspective in today’s competitive business environment. However, I’m curious about how you see this approach evolving in the future, especially as technology and market dynamics continue to change rapidly. Do you think the principles of the Automattic Creed will remain as relevant in the next decade, or will they need significant adaptation?
    Thank you for your work and sharing this insightful analysis.

    Best regards

    • Yes, I think the idea of open source as a philosophy is here to stay.  Think about AI!  ChatGPT is open source.  Products are being built on top of it.  I’m thinking the days are largely gone of proprietary core software.

  11. Having worked in project management, I find the investigation to be meaningful and thought-provoking. The essay does a good job of emphasizing the value of having an agile mindset in addition to long-term planning—a concept that is essential in the fast-paced world of project management. The focus on self-governance, ongoing education, and flexibility is in line with the fundamentals of effective project management. It’s helpful to hear these ideas explained in the context of Automattic’s experiences since it offers other project managers who want to encourage a culture of agility and strategic thinking in their teams useful advice.

  12. This is a really informative article. I like the section about Implications for strategy. You definitely point out some really great ideas. Also, One of my digital marketing clients offers project management services. I will share this with him because I am sure he can use some of these strategies for his business. Thanks

  13. This Automattic Creed is like a guiding light for strategic and project management. It’s refreshing to see a company not just stating their mission but breaking it down into actionable principles. 

    The emphasis on continuous learning is a game-changer. In the dynamic world we live in, acknowledging that there’s no status quo and being open to change is a strategic advantage.

    I think the Automattic Creed is not just a set of values on paper; it’s a living philosophy that can inspire not only Automatticians but anyone in the business world looking to thrive in a dynamic environment.

    • Thanks for your comment.  You made me think – wouldn’t it be interesting to observe how the Creed is really working in practice?

  14. This Automatic Creed thing sounds cool! It’s like a life philosophy, especially the part about never being finished and always learning. Coz life’s about constant growth. The agile solution for businesses sounds smart too. The idea of a creed bringing a spiritual vibe to their mission is unique and interesting. Your explanation helped me understand it better, and I find it inspiring. It’s true, we can’t stop learning, especially with technology always changing. Thanks for sharing!

  15. These are such great points you are making ! I’m work for a small start up and at times it feels like we are just to young, not having enough guidance to create the best atmosphere in our company. Now after reading your post I feel like I have a lot of new great thoughts to bring to our next gathering! Thank you so much !

  16. This blog offers a critical examination of the Automatic Creed and its effects on project management and company strategy. It dissects each credo component and demonstrates how its tenets might affect different facets of a business’ strategy.

    The most important lesson is that long-term success and sustainable value can only be achieved by coordinating business culture, values, and strategy. For anyone seeking to take a more flexible, client-centered, and moral approach to business, this blog is a great resource.

  17. This blog offers a critical examination of the Automatic Creed and its effects on project management and company strategy. It dissects each credo component and demonstrates how its tenets might affect different facets of a business’ strategy.

    The most important lesson is that long-term success and sustainable value can only be achieved by coordinating business culture, values, and strategy. For anyone seeking to take a more flexible, client-centered, and moral approach to business, this blog is a great resource.

  18. I have not heard about the Automattic Creed before, so found this post very interesting. Your explanation me to understand the concept much better. 

    With software technology evolving and changing on a regular basis, it often feels to me as if I cannot stay up to date quickly enough. But advancement is progress and helps us to continuously be learning. 

    Thank you for sharing your knowledge of Automattic Creed.

  19. Great article! You taught me about something I have never heard of before, the Automaticc Creed. Your post is full of values and insight. Learning is never done, passion must be carried throughout business because it helps it shine naturally, Being more motivated by impact than money is a big one. If your passion and desire to be impactful shines through, the money will flow in naturally. Great read!

  20. This blog offers a insightful examination of the Automatic Creed and its ramifications on business strategy and project management. It dissects each facet of the creed, illustrating how its tenets can impact diverse facets of a company’s methodology.

    The key insight emphasizes the importance of harmonizing company culture, values, and strategy to foster enduring value and sustained success. Serving as a valuable guide, this blog caters to individuals seeking to embrace a business approach that is more agile, customer-centric, and ethically grounded.

    • Thanks, Brian!  I agree, especially with the idea that culture values, and strategy need to be aligned.  Individuals must be allowed to flourish, and should be able to do so openly, ideally not having to operate below the radar.

  21. Hi there! Your blog post on the Automattic Creed is truly thought-provoking. I appreciate the detailed breakdown, connecting each line to strategic, tactical, and digital aspects. It’s inspiring to see how these principles can shape both business strategy and project management.

    I’m curious, how do you envision integrating these values into the day-to-day operations of a business, especially in a rapidly evolving tech landscape? Have you faced any challenges or witnessed notable successes in applying these principles? Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences! 🚀✨

    • Hanna, thanks for you comment – and your question!  In my own experience, being curious and asking how things can be done better is an approach that works.  Ask yourself – and don’t settle, which is all to easy to do.  And ask your team – and don’t let them settle!

  22. Hey, 

    I’ve been a firm believer in mind over matter my entire life. Later in life I figured out that the mind or brain is our most powerful tool. Until recently, we have been misled as a society to think it was our bodies. This is simply, untrue. Our minds can do vastly more than our bodies, and maybe even one day outlive our bodies. Therefore, everything this creed preaches is imperative to our longevity as a society. 

    Old company values were a lot different. They were basically, work your body long and hard, use your mind to solve the companies problems, and your body to implement the solutions. With technology it is possible for us to just use our minds and simple communication to grow a business that benefits more than the top person in the company and all its employees. Companies like this one, that could actually change the world. Great article, and I can’t wait to read more of your content! 

    • Conner, thanks so much for your comment!  I too think there is much to be optimistic with many of the opportunities brought about by technology.  It empowers us in many ways that wee not possible years ago.

  23. Hello John :),

    I appreciate the article; it provided valuable insights. The Automattic creed was truly inspiring. Working in the tech industry, I understand the significance of ongoing learning and adaptability. I also share the belief that prioritizing customers and fostering collaboration is essential. The concept of open source is, without a doubt, a powerful principle.

    • Thanks for your comment, Leonardo.  One thing that you said stood out to me:  the idea of prioritizing customers.  Customers are at the driving core…

  24. Interesting they say it’s a “marathon, not a sprint”.  I guess that means their products can’t be used in agile-style projects using Scrum then? Ha.

    Sounds like a solid company. Stated values are in the right place. You really parsed out each value, which helps us better understand where they’re coming from.  I’ll check them out further to see what all they have to offer.  Thanks for sharing! 

    • Ben, thanks for your comment!

      I don’t know for sure what they mean by ‘marathon’, but I don’t think it is exclusive of using agile.  Agile helps to remove roadblocks, uncertainty, ineffective planning, timing risks, and other things.  I think it’s a safe bet that Automattic uses agile methods!

  25. Thank you for sharing this creed. I really like how you break down each line of the creed into more detail. More people should have a creed. Having core values is very important to a persons happiness, in my opinion. It gives people a set of morals and standards to live by to ensure they have the best life possible. But just as you stated in yours, it’s all about helping out others. Thanks again for sharing!

  26. Hi John,

    I can relate to various aspects of the creed from what I have experienced in life.

    I will never stop learning is true as I have never reached a pointing in my life where I thought I knew it all. 

    There is no such thing as the status quo. Life is like a river; it is subject to constant change and movement.

    Your customers are your priority in business. Without customers, you will fail.

    Helping colleagues is important and remembering what it was like when you were a beginner. One of my favourite sayings is “None of us know everything and can do everything, that is why we have each other.”

    Finally, nothing is impossible given persistence and teamwork.

    I think these are the most important core values, base on my life experiences.

    Cheers John

  27. Hi John,

    I can relate to various aspects of the creed from what I have experienced in life.

    I will never stop learning is true as I have never reached a pointing in my life where I thought I knew it all.

    There is no such thing as the status quo. Life is like a river; it is subject to constant change and movement.

    Your customers are your priority in business. Without customers, you will fail.

    Helping colleagues is important and remembering what it was like when you were a beginner. One of my favourite sayings is “None of us know everything and can do everything, that is why we have each other.”

    Finally, nothing is impossible given persistence and teamwork.

    I think these are the most important core values, base on my life experiences.

    Cheers John

  28. Hi, I found your article and website extremely interesting having been involved in managing major projects over many years in the construction industry. I found that the openness that you suggest and the collaborative approach are all extremely important for a successful project. Also focus on problem solving and client focus are essential: i will follow your company and attempt to learn more from you in the future, about your creed values and methodology, thanks for sharing Alan

    • Thank you Alan. Nice to here perspective from the construction industry, where teamwork, hard work, and an independent spirit abound. 

  29. This article brilliantly dissects the Automattic Creed and provides a comprehensive analysis of its implications for both strategy and project management. The breakdown, line by line, offers valuable insights into the values and principles that underpin the company’s approach. The implications for project management are equally compelling, emphasizing the need for project teams to embrace continuous learning, proactive problem-solving, and a customer-focused mindset.

  30. This article is great for a wide range of reasons. I do believe that people can get caught up in the grind of achieving success and forget what it took to get their. One person can find success but when a team is involved it can make life extremely easier. Humility and learning i think is the most important part. Their are genius’s that still do not know everything. keeping yourself humble and always continuing to learn whether its in your field or outside is key to progressing yourself. Communication and the ability to keep moving and finishing “The Race” is what drives that engine. Great article well said. 

  31. What an explosive look into some incredible nuggets of value. The line that resonated with me the most was ‘I won’t just work on things that are assigned to me’. It feels like a principle I learned years ago, which I attribute a great portion of success to: ‘If you do more than you’re paid to do, someone will pay you more for what you do’.

    This also aligns with the other philosophies you highlighted about looking at money as a lower-priority. It’s about value, effort and contribution. The money will always work itself out.

    Great stuff!

    • All great points. Sometimes we can get pulled into doing just enough. This thinking challenges us to unselfishly reach further and give more. It’s empowering, really. 

  32. Hi there I just had an look at your page.

    I like your page, looks very professional.

    Project Engineer in a manufacturing environment this can help a lot of people, it is really wonderful that people like your self are willing to help us.

    I like your page as it is.

    Thanks for letting me view your page.

  33. It is a very interesting article. I have never heard the term Automattic Creed Before. I am a person who is still a continuous learner, especially on the technology side. 

    Your Line-by-line Strategic, Tactical, and Digital outline is well done, you covered the aspects that are important for a business. I am sure if following this Implication for strategy, a Project Manager will succeed.

  34. Hello there!

    Your article was very helpful and gave me a lot of details about the software. As a person that loves good softwares, I felt a wish to go further with it. I think that at the beginning, you could explore more the companies “pain” without this software, so the people can relate or conecte with that and than read all the benefits that it brings to them. 
    Your content is very rich! Keep going with the good work! Looking forward to see more of your posts here.

    Ivi Dias

    • Ivi, thank you for your comment and suggestion. I interpret that to be customer driven. And it helps to do that with explicit use cases. Will definitely keep that in mind!

  35. The Automattic Creed is truly a thought-provoking piece! It goes beyond a typical mission statement, weaving together purpose, values, and a strategic mindset. Your line-by-line breakdown and thoughtful implications for strategy and project management resonated strongly.

    I particularly appreciate the emphasis on continuous learning and proactive initiative.It challenges the status quo and fosters a culture of ownership and growth. However, I wonder how this translates into concrete practices within Automattic’s structure and workflow.

    • Thank you Irene. Good question – I think the whole idea is that they build and continually improve their processes using the Creed as a guide. 

  36. Reading through the article about the Automattic Creed, I found it quite insightful and resonating with my own experiences in project management. What struck me most is the emphasis on long-range thinking coupled with agility. In my career, I’ve often seen how rigid planning can lead to missed opportunities and how agility can foster innovation and adaptability in the face of change. The creed’s perspective on embracing change as a constant and using it to steer projects forward is a powerful approach. It’s also refreshing to see the focus on empathy and understanding in a work environment. In my view, acknowledging the human aspect in project management is crucial for building strong, collaborative teams. I believe that integrating these principles can significantly enhance the effectiveness and satisfaction in project management roles. Would love to hear others’ experiences or thoughts on applying the Automattic Creed in different industries!

  37. Hi there and thank you for this insightful article.

     The way you’ve dissected each line of the creed and related it to strategic and tactical thinking provides a fresh perspective on how companies can approach their mission and values.

    Your interpretation of the line ‘I will never stop learning’ as a recognition of the perishable nature of knowledge and the inevitability of change, indeed resonated with my aspirations. It underscores the importance of continuous learning in maintaining the relevance and sustainability of a business.

    Thank you for the great insights!

    Best wishes,



  38. Hi John, thanks for your interesting article. I’m amazed at how certain/many concepts can be deconstructed then reconstructed but the bottom line and/or end result is basically, if not, mostly, or totally the same message/lesson.

    Among other things, I see the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Stephen Covey) embedded in the Automattic Creed.

    I believe its message, although maybe I’ve over-simplifed it, is, we’re all important in our own way but, no man is an island. We need to work together because, when we do, nothing is impossible.

    The mantra I live by is: Honesty, respect, and best effort.

    Keep up the good work.


  39. Wow, how very insightful and educational on the Automattic Creed!! I have to be honest and admit that prior to reading this article, I had no clue what Automattic Creed was. 

    I have learned a lot and I am hoping I got this right. This is software geared towards assisting a business with improving customer experience, streamlining production, and adapting to the ever-changing landscape by learning, so is it a type of AI as well?

    Thank you for this in-depth review of Automattic Creed.


  40. My day job is in technology, and a lot of what’s in the ‘Creed’ as you’ve outlined sounds awfully familiar to how a company wants its employers to think and behave.  However, the reality often falls short of a written creed or manifesto or company policy, especially when it’s dictated from the top.

    I think what’s common in all this is that what you’re really trying to achieve with ‘Creed’ (e.g. constant improvement, striving for a greater goal, openness and collaborative environment, etc.) really speaks more to a culture.  And that’s not an easy thing to pull off.

    I myself have thought about ‘Creed’ and wondered how I can get more productivity out of people I work with as well as myself, but it’s that culture which starts with the people within that makes the difference.

    I’ve been on projects where the team had a more individualistic focus and there wasn’t much collaboration.  In fact, in some cases, it was more of a “lay low and not stick out” kind of mentality to “stay out of trouble” or not draw too much attention.  Some even took the individualism to such an extreme that it made for a toxic environment.  And even pep talks from the higher ups to try to get more of what’s called out in ‘Creed’ fell way short.  So that led to more delays and people wanting to leave that situation.

    However, I’m currently on a project where I like the people I’m working with, and we’re really cooperative, collaborative, and really helping each other out.  I know I’m working with people smarter than me, and I’m actually eager to pick their brains to better my own productivity.  I think it’s this culture and environment that makes it easier to learn, be motivated, and achieve the goal of a successful demo that might land us a huge contract.

    I guess what I’m trying to say is that while it’s fine to put into writing the characteristics of what makes a team achieve great things, it ultimately comes down to the people, the culture, and the work environment throughout all levels in the actual day-to-day that realizes what’s spelled out in ‘Creed’.  

    • Thanks Johnny for your great comment!  Keep going!  With your growing experience and attitude you could find yourself in a position to be the force for change in a suboptimal environment. The idea of laying out the plan and vision is to get it firm and consistent in your mind and that of others. All the best!!!

  41. I just finished reading your article on the Automattic Creed, and I wanted to share my thoughts with you. Firstly, I appreciate the depth you went into while dissecting each line of the creed. It’s clear that you’ve not just read it, but truly pondered over its implications for strategy and project management.

    As you broke down the creed line by line, your insights added a layer of understanding that went beyond the surface. Your interpretation of each statement provided not only clarity but also a practical perspective on how these principles could be applied in the real world, especially in terms of strategy and project management.

    Your emphasis on continuous learning struck a chord with me. In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of staying informed and adaptable is undeniable, and your connection between ongoing education and strategic survival was well-articulated.

    I resonated with your thoughts on collaboration and humility. The value you placed on teamwork and helping colleagues, combined with the acknowledgment that no one knows everything, underlined the importance of collective growth and mutual support. Your expression that “together, we are worth more than the sum of the parts” captures the essence of effective teamwork.

    Your breakdown of how the creed influences strategy was insightful. The implications for continuous learning, proactive initiatives, anticipating change, and customer-centric approaches were particularly compelling. It made me reflect on how a set of guiding principles can shape the culture of a company and drive strategic decisions.

    Moving on to project management, your insights on fostering a culture of continuous learning within project teams and encouraging a proactive approach to problem-solving were invaluable. The creed’s impact on transparency in communication, adaptability to change, and maintaining a long-term perspective in project objectives provided a holistic view of its influence.

    In conclusion, your article offered a thorough exploration of the Automattic Creed, and I appreciate the way you tied it all together by connecting the dots between these principles and their implications for both strategy and project management. Your practical breakdown makes it a valuable read for anyone navigating the complex landscape of the digital age.

    What are your personal takeaways from delving into the Automattic Creed in such detail? I’d love to hear your reflections on how these principles might resonate in various industries.

    • Marko Birovljev, thanks for your comment!  I don’t think the  Creed applies equally to all industries. Industries vary along dimensions such as growth, stability, change, cost structure,  margins, business models, and more. These will influence the content of a Creed for each organization. 

  42. Hello there, I just finished reading your post and I really liked how you talked about Automattic’s focus on always learning and adapting.

    It is cool to see a big tech company pushing everyone to keep growing.

    It makes me wonder, how does Automattic make sure everybody on the team, especially with folks all over the place, actually sticks to this learning thing?

    Do they have special ways to keep everyone on the same page with it?

    Thanks for the info

    • Chris Towers, I cannot answer your question specifically.  But creating a culture of learning may not be hard:  1. Tech people are smart and like to learn; 2. Projects demand that people stretch and learn; 3. Collaboration alone facilitates learning; 4. The company an easily provide learning resources and time, 5. The company a reward in part based on learning. Just a few ideas!

  43. Hi John

    What an article. Its very comprehensive and covered a lot of important aspects. “I will never just work on what is assigned to me” as you say it talks about working as a team. To me it also says “together we achieve more”. Or ” Together we stand Divided we fall”. You say you motivated by impact than money. Talks about adding value as the most important thing. It comes before money. Ones one has impacted the lives positively money just follows automatically.

    This article is full. One other thing  you highlight here is that “Change is constant”. We will forever be evolving if we are to survive.

    Thank You for sharing 


  44. Hello John, 

    Your analysis of the Automattic Creed is thorough and provides a deep dive into its implications for both strategy and project management.

    The implications for both strategy and project management are thoroughly examined. The analysis reveals how the creed’s principles, including continuous learning, proactive initiative, customer focus, and open-source advocacy, can shape an organization’s strategic direction. The connection between these values and the practicalities of implementation is effectively highlighted, emphasizing the need for alignment between strategy and culture.

    How do these principles influence both the strategic direction of a business and the practices of project management within an organisation?

    • Starlight, thanks for your comment. To answer your question, I think such a Creed demands a very agile approach to strategy and project management. 

  45. Hey John! I have had the pleasure of reading your treatment of the Automatic Creed. Very Impressive I must say.  This could be the model for any company aiming for success. So  many of the principles are, intuitively, absolute necessities.  For example, the first principle set out ‘I will never stop learning’ is, in my view, an absolutely indispensable component of any company’s mantra.  If learning comes to a halt, the ability of the company to adapt quickly and appropriately to a new set of emerging circumstances means a loss of competitive edge.  That said, it is by no means more important than the other components of the Creed.  Nice job of illustrating that change is inevitable and that, yes, it is a marathon and not a sprint.  Nicely done John.


  46. A great analysis here. I’ve rubbed shoulders with Automattic while dealing with WordPress but wasn’t aware of their company message. I’m a great believer in strategic planning myself and am always bent on reaching my audience effectively, so appreciate your analysis. 

    As a mindful educator most of my life, I’m so heartened that this company is committed to lifelong learning. I’m inspired by your values too. Making a business work well depends greatly on how the players are encouraged to work together. And indeed, in all our interactions, these points are valid.

    Inspiring and thought-provoking. Thank you. Blessings for your success.

  47. Very interesting read. I have heard of Open Source and always had a interest of the platform. I must say you really have to have a knack to deal with code and you are much appreciated in that area.

    The article was very informational, and I now understand the importance of the Automatic Creed set of principles and values that guide the work and culture of Automatic Creed, he company behind, and other online platforms. Without it these companies’ commitment to learning, innovation, customer satisfaction, teamwork, open source, communication, and long-term vision would be lost.

  48. Thanks for this comprehensive article”The Automattic Creed”, as you outlined in the article, encapsulates a set of values that not only guide the culture of the software technology company but also have significant implications for both strategic planning and project management. I love that the emphasis on continuous learning reflects the acknowledgement of the ever-changing landscape, aligning with a strategic approach that prioritizes adaptability and innovation. The creed’s commitment to collaboration, humility, and proactive initiative underscores the importance of teamwork and problem-solving in strategic decision-making and project execution. Focusing on sustained, passionate, and loyal customer relationships shapes the strategic direction, while the advocacy for open-source practices adds a distinct layer to the company’s business model. In project management, these values translate into a culture of continuous improvement, customer-centric project objectives, and a problem-solving mindset. Overall, the Automattic Creed is a holistic guide, influencing the company’s strategy and permeating every facet of its project management approach.

  49. Reflecting on the Automattic Creed from a personal experience perspective, I can share an anecdote that aligns with its values, particularly the emphasis on continuous learning and collaboration. 

    In a project I was involved in, we embraced a culture of ongoing learning and teamwork, similar to the creed’s ethos. This environment fostered not only individual growth but also collective success. We learned that by combining our diverse skills and knowledge, we could overcome complex challenges and innovate more effectively. 

    This experience really highlighted the power and importance of a collaborative and learning-focused approach in any organization.

  50. Hi, I just read your post on the Automattic creed and I found it very insightful and relevant. You did a great job of breaking down each line of the creed and explaining how it relates to strategy and project management. I agree with you that the creed is a powerful statement of values and vision that guides the company and its employees. 🙌

    I have been following Automattic for a while and I admire their culture and products. I think they are a great example of a successful and innovative company that embraces open source, distributed work, and customer-centricity. I have learned a lot from their blog and podcasts. 🙏

    I have a few questions for you if you don’t mind. How do you apply the Automattic creed in your work and projects? Do you have any favourite stories or examples of how the creed has helped you or others achieve your goals? How do you balance long-range thinking with agile execution? 🤔

    Thank you for sharing your analysis and perspective with us. I look forward to reading more of your posts and learning from you. Keep up the great work! 👏.


    • Marios, good questions!  But I am not part of Automattic!  I liked their Creed and thought it was worth sharing!  I do subscribe to many of the values and try to apply them in my work. All the best!

  51. I am thrilled to have read that post: “The Automattic Creed: Long Range Thinking That’s Agile”, is an exceptional piece that truly captures the essence of long-range thinking and agility in project management. The detailed discussion of the creed and its implications for strategy and project management is a testament to the depth of insight and analysis provided. As a serial projects entrepreneur, I find this post to be an invaluable resource, offering actionable ideas and insights that can greatly influence and enhance management strategies. The comprehensive examination of the Automattic Creed further reinforces its value, making it a must-read for anyone in the field. This blog post’s emphasis on the importance of long-range thinking and agility resonates deeply with me, and I believe it holds significant value for strategic project management.

  52. Hey John, I found the article on the Automatic Creed very inspiring. we always have to keep learning and I believe in teamwork because we can´t achieve everything by ourselves, i liked this part ” I will never pass up an opportunity to help out a colleague, and I’ll remember the days before I knew everything. ” when you want to achieve something and you don´t know the how and what to do can be very frustrating and as I believe in karma I think by helping others you also get help. let´s grow together



  53. Hi John, I found this article be both informative and inspiring. The Automatic Creed gives every employee there a sense of being a part of something bigger than themselves and also something to aspire to. Not to mention giving the entire company a flagpole which to rally around and tether the company to. Which you laid out very well in your sections on implications for strategy and project management.

    I would be interested in finding out your thoughts about whether this creed could be implemented even if the company only has one or two people?


  54. As someone with extensive experience in project management, I find the analysis of long-range thinking within an Agile framework, as outlined in the Automattic Creed, to be truly resonant. Having navigated complex projects, I’ve witnessed firsthand the transformative power of integrating strategic vision with Agile principles. This nuanced approach not only fosters adaptability but also ensures sustained success in the ever-evolving landscape of project management.

  55. Hi,

    I had the opportunity to dive into the insightful content on “The Automattic Creed: Long-Range Thinking That’s Agile” at and I must say it was an enriching experience. The article not only sheds light on the unique philosophy behind Automattic but also beautifully encapsulates the essence of long-range thinking within an agile framework.

    The article not only provides valuable insights for project managers but is also a great read for anyone interested in the dynamics of successful, forward-thinking organizations. Kudos to the team at BeTheStrategicPM for curating such relevant and thought-provoking content. Looking forward to exploring more from this source!

  56. The Automatic Creed long-range thinking has been a very interesting read and has changed my thinking.

    I enjoyed reading the ideas that you shared. Many of them I share with you as well.

    The implications for strategy are awesome. By reading this article I have learned a great deal.

    The implications for project management are a guide all by itself. This is a great bonus you have included in this article.

    Valuable information


  57. Nice explanation of the Automattic Creed:

    Having personally embraced the principles of Agile thinking I compared the Agile Manifesto with the Automattic Creed. Both share common principles in encouraging adaptability, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

    While both frameworks emphasize flexibility and responsiveness to change, the Agile Manifesto is specific to software development methodologies, while the Automattic Creed appears to offer a more general set of principles for an evolving work environment. Both, however, share a commitment to values-driven approaches, collaboration, and the recognition that adaptation is key to success.

    The Agile Manifesto emphasizes values such as individuals and interactions, working solutions, and responding to change. It promotes continuous development, customer collaboration, and a focus on delivering quickly.

    On the other hand, the Automattic Creed seems applicable in a broader context. It highlights continuous learning, a dynamic approach to work, and a commitment to sustainable business practices. It encourages avoiding complacency, contributing beyond assigned tasks, and prioritizing impact over monetary gain.

    Thanks for this thorough explanation of the Automattic Creed.


  58. Hey, thanks for your inspirational article. I have always been a positive chap, and I know firsthand where negative thinking can lead you, and the people around you…Turn those frowns upside down lol. Life is what we make it and although there is always things to sort out, life does not need to be hard.
    A good plan of attack, loads of positive thinking, and self-motivation. Hang out with like-minded people and keep pushing forward 🙂

  59. Automattic stands as a beacon of innovation in the digital landscape, a powerhouse that has transformed the way we experience the online world. At its core, Automattic is the driving force behind some of the most influential platforms, with WordPress being its flagship creation.

    WordPress, the brainchild of Automattic, has democratized the web, empowering millions to express themselves, share ideas, and establish an online presence with unparalleled ease. The impact of Automattic extends beyond just a platform; it’s a movement that champions the freedom of expression and creativity in the digital realm.

    What makes Automattic truly remarkable is its commitment to open-source principles. By fostering a community-driven approach, Automattic has cultivated a vibrant ecosystem where developers, designers, and enthusiasts collaborate to push the boundaries of what’s possible online. It’s not just about building websites; it’s about fostering a global community that thrives on collective innovation.

    The culture within Automattic is as distinctive as its creations. Remote work, a core tenet of the company, reflects a forward-thinking approach to flexibility and work-life balance. This unique model has not only shaped the company but has also become a beacon for businesses worldwide, especially in the ever-evolving landscape of the digital age.

    Moreover, Automattic’s dedication to diversity and inclusion is not just a checkbox but a genuine commitment. By championing a workplace that values different perspectives, the company fosters an environment where creativity flourishes, leading to groundbreaking developments that resonate with a global audience.

    In essence, Automattic is not merely a tech company; it’s a force that has transformed the digital experience for millions. Through WordPress and its other ventures, Automattic has created a legacy that extends far beyond lines of code – it’s a testament to the power of community, innovation, and the boundless possibilities of the online world.

  60. This is a really fantastic read.  I find that the creed in this article could be applied pretty much to anything in life period.  This would be a great movement to see across all business, groups, cultures, communities, families, etc.  This really could be applied to each and every living person and to each and every aspect of life…  I am so moved by it that believe I am going to write it down and post it where I can see it frequently so that I can use it as a reminder of how I want to live my life and what kind of example I want to be for others.  Is it okay that I do that? 

  61. Hello John,

    Your analysis of the Automatic Creed and its implications for strategy and project management is truly insightful. The creed’s emphasis on continuous learning, proactive initiative, and anticipating change deeply resonates with me, especially in today’s dynamic business environment. I’m intrigued by the delicate balance between open-source advocacy and creating sustainable business value, especially in traditionally closed-off industries. The emphasis on communication as the ‘oxygen of a distributed company’ is spot on. 

    The thing I would improve on is making the content more readable. Add headings and bold some of the writing. Maybe add a few more pictures throughout. It looks a bit like a tabloid.

    Great work anyway!

  62. This is such a thought-provoking article on the Automattic Creed and the importance of long-range thinking in an agile environment! In my experience, balancing the agility required in today’s fast-paced digital world with the foresight of long-range planning is indeed a challenging yet crucial aspect of strategic project management. I’ve found that in this era of digital distractions, having a clear long-term vision helps in maintaining focus and direction, especially when short-term changes and adaptions are needed. It’s fascinating to see how Automattic has embedded this philosophy into their creed. I’m curious, how do you think long-range thinking impacts team dynamics and decision-making processes in an agile setting? Thanks for sharing these insights – they’re truly valuable in our current landscape of rapid technological advancements and constant digital noise.


    • Thanks Danny. I think long term thinking effects team dynamics and decision making by shaping the culture and providing a direction that sets limits and freedoms for decisions. 

  63. I heard of this concept for the first time today. And read your article and whole lot more on Automattic thinking. 

    The Automattic Creed is a set of principles that reflects the values and philosophy of Automattic. Here is the Automattic Creed:

    I will never stop learning.
    I won’t just work on things that are assigned to me.
    I know there’s no such thing as a status quo. I will always be changing, growing, evolving.
    I am in a marathon, not a sprint, and no matter how far away the goal is, the only way to get there is by putting one foot in front of another every day.

    Given time, there is no insurmountable problem.

    These principles emphasize continuous learning, self-motivation, adaptability, and perseverance. They reflect a commitment to personal and professional development, a willingness to take on challenges, an understanding of the ever-changing nature of the business, and the belief that with time and effort, any problem can be overcome. The Automattic Creed is designed to inspire a positive and forward-thinking mindset among employees at Automattic.

  64. Wow, this is an incredibly insightful analysis of Automattic’s creed! I was really impressed by how you broke down each line of the creed and explored its implications for both strategy and project management.

    I particularly liked your point about how the creed reflects a set of values and principles that can have a significant impact on a business’s approach to problem-solving. The emphasis on continuous learning, proactive initiative, and collaboration is essential for any organization that wants to be successful in today’s rapidly changing world.

    I also agree with your assessment of the implications for project management. The focus on customer focus, open source advocacy, and long-term perspective is essential for ensuring that projects are aligned with the overall business goals and objectives.

    Overall, I think this is a great article that provides valuable insights for anyone who is interested in learning more about Automattic’s culture and how it shapes their approach to business.

    • Thank you AnaD!  Remember that this not only puts the spotlight on Automattic’s Creed, but provides a template for other organizations – maybe like yours – to create their own Creed.

  65. The Automattic Creed seems like a powerful set of principles that goes beyond just being a mission statement – it’s a guide for both personal and professional growth.

    I love the emphasis on continuous learning and the acknowledgment that there’s no such thing as a status quo. In today’s fast-paced world, adaptability is key, and it’s refreshing to see a company prioritize it. The focus on sustainability through passionate and loyal customers is also a standout point – putting the customer at the center is a recipe for success.

    Your breakdown of the implications for strategy and project management is spot on. It’s clear how these values, if integrated into the fabric of a business, can lead to a culture of innovation, collaboration, and long-term success.

    I appreciate your detailed analysis, especially how each element of the creed can influence both strategy and project management. It’s evident that aligning the strategy with these values is crucial for creating sustainable value in the long run.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this creed – it’s definitely given me some valuable insights into how a company’s values can shape its path to success!

  66. As someone deeply involved in the tech industry, I resonate with the Automattic Creed’s emphasis on continuous learning, collaboration, and customer-centricity. It’s refreshing to see a company prioritize values that align with long-term sustainability and impact-driven decisions.

    In my experience, integrating such principles into both strategy and project management fosters a culture of innovation, adaptability, and cohesive teamwork.

    The article provides valuable insights, and I believe adopting similar principles has the potential to enhance strategic thinking and project outcomes across various tech enterprises.

  67. Hi John,

    There’s a lot of great ideas included in your article. My favourite point was ‘No matter how far away the goal is, the only way to get there is by putting one foot in front of another every day’. You can’t argue with that!

    Whatever we are trying to achieve, keep making progress and keep moving forward is the way to get there.

    Inspiring words!

    Best wishes


  68. This is a great creed, for life in general, companies in particular.  The first thing that came to mind was This from Henry Ford – The only thing worse than training your employees and having them leave is not training them and having them stay. 

    Progress happens all around you.  When you rest on your laurels, you will fall behind.  The best way to keep up is to keep learning.  I am glad that I found this post.

  69. WOW…

    What an awesome CREED!  I will be applying this to my life.  Thank you for sharing the implementation strategy on how to apply this to our lives.

    This should be taught in high school.  So many kids nowadays, just don’t understand the principles that you share here.  In my line of work, the younger generation just seems to be completely lost on how to continuously learn, accept change, and be proactive with initiative.

  70. Thanks for sharing this information as I had never heard of Automattic before and find this quite interesting. I love their creed as it sets a high standard that other companies would be wise to implement. Their reference to the importance of communication and being in a marathon says much about their dedication, commitment, and integrity. This type of strategy is most needed, especially today, in our world. No problem is insurmountable with this type of mindset that encourages thinking outside the box.

  71. Thank you for the great article. This was very interesting to read and has me really thinking on the subject. The Automattic Creed shows essential values for organizational success. It emphasizes continuous learning, proactive initiative, and customer focus, which are crucial for adaptability and innovation. Collaboration, humility, and impact-driven approaches promote teamwork and meaningful outcomes. Open-source advocacy fosters transparency and collaboration, while effective communication, a long-term perspective, and problem-solving mindset are critical for achieving strategic goals and project success. In essence, the Creed guides both strategic decision-making and project management practices, ensuring alignment with organizational objectives and fostering a culture of resilience and innovation.

  72. Hello!

    I’ve been incorporating many of these values into my daily life, and I’m living without any regrets. These firmly established values, morals, and approaches are generating incredible value. Integrating these principles into business practices will undoubtedly yield significant benefits over time. It’s great to see people sharing these valuable insights. Thank you for sharing! 🙂

  73. John, your detailed analysis of the Automattic Creed provides valuable insights into the strategic and tactical aspects of this software technology company. The breakdown, line by line, offers a clear understanding of the principles embedded in the creed and how they relate to both strategic thinking and project management.

    The emphasis on continuous learning aligns with the need for adaptability in strategy and project execution. The encouragement of proactive initiative and collaboration underscores the importance of teamwork and innovation in achieving long-term goals. The focus on customer loyalty and sustainable business practices highlights the customer-centric approach necessary for strategic success.

    Your thorough examination of the implications for strategy and project management provides a practical guide for businesses looking to align their values with their actions. It’s evident that the Automattic Creed serves as a foundation for creating a dynamic, customer-focused, and adaptable organizational culture. This insightful analysis offers a valuable perspective on how these principles can be applied across various business dimensions.

  74. You got me from the title… I just had to read your post! That sounds like a sustainable way to run a business. If you are in business for the money, a few “shady deals” and you will soon be out of business. But if you are in business to help your client/customer and provide him with good service, you will probably have much repeat business to keep you going for a long while!

  75. This article on the Automattic Creed underscores the importance of continuous learning, proactive initiative, and customer focus. It emphasizes collaboration, humility, and a long-term perspective, shaping both organisational culture and strategic direction. Project management must align with these values, fostering adaptability, problem solving, and clear communication. Embracing open source advocacy and impact driven goals can further enhance project outcomes. Ultimately, integrating these principles into strategy and project management methodologies promotes sustainable growth and positive impact.

  76. John, thank you for sharing this insightful breakdown of the Automattic Creed. It’s truly inspiring to see how each line encapsulates profound principles that can guide both strategic and tactical thinking in any endeavor.

    The emphasis on continuous learning resonates deeply, highlighting the importance of adaptability and growth in an ever-evolving landscape. Your analysis brilliantly underscores the interconnectedness of individuals within a team, emphasizing the value of collaboration and generosity in achieving collective success

  77. Hi there

    Your content is truly enlightening and informative.

    As someone keen on personal development and customer satisfaction, I can attest to the good results of many of the suggestions in your article.

    I like the idea of how acknowledging perpetual learning and the perishable nature of knowledge emphasizes adaptability and resilience in the face of change, essential for sustaining and thriving in any business. Also, the emphasis on teamwork and generosity highlights the significance of collaboration and interdependence for success. For any team to thrive, one must be proactive and adaptable to change, seeing both opportunities and risks, and assess these thoroughly with a team. Effective communication is definitely vital, especially in distributed work environments.

    I also agree that prioritizing customer satisfaction and loyalty underscores the importance of maintaining strong relationships.

    Overall, these guidelines promote a holistic approach to personal and organizational success, emphasizing adaptability, collaboration, purpose-driven work, resilience, and strategic vision.

    Well done.

    Top of Form

  78. Your insight into the Automattic Creed really resonates with me. It’s refreshing to see how you’ve applied its principles to both personal and business contexts, especially emphasizing the importance of continuous learning and humility.

    I’m curious, have you encountered any specific challenges or successes in implementing the Automattic Creed’s principles in your own life or business? It would be fascinating to hear about your experiences and how they’ve shaped your perspective on customer relations and personal growth.

    Looking forward to diving deeper into your website to explore more of your valuable insights.

    • Thanks Heather. For me, it’s a challenge to keep the focus on applying by taking action continuously, as implied by the creed. That takes both insight and decisiveness- and team collaboration. 

  79. I loved ‘the implication for strategies’ section where it goes from explaining employee training and development in the business contributing to innovation and adaptability to problem-solving in a business. But, the major point I picked up on was ‘customer satisfaction’ which is a major factor within a business and you highlighted all of those major points in that section with precision.

  80. The discussion on Automattic’s creed, especially its emphasis on long-range thinking combined with agility, offers a fascinating insight into how forward-looking philosophies can shape successful organizational cultures. My own experience aligns with the notion that balancing long-term vision with the flexibility to adapt is crucial in today’s rapidly changing business environment. This creed resonates with me particularly because it underscores the importance of continuous learning and growth, values that I hold dear both in my personal and professional life. The aspect of taking ownership and responsibility, as highlighted in the creed, is something I’ve found to be empowering. It encourages a proactive mindset, which is essential for innovation and problem-solving. Furthermore, Automattic’s commitment to openness and transparency is particularly inspiring; it’s a principle I believe fosters trust and collaboration within any team. This article not only deepens my appreciation for Automattic’s approach but also reinforces my belief in the power of integrating such agile and thoughtful practices into one’s work ethic and organizational culture for lasting impact.

  81. Reflecting on the Automattic creed and its implications for strategy and project management, I found its values of continuous learning, customer focus, and collaboration resonate deeply. Implementing these principles in diverse teams can present challenges but also offer opportunities for innovation and growth. By embracing the creed’s ethos, organizations can foster a culture of adaptability and long-term impact in their strategic endeavors.

    How might the values and principles outlined in the Automattic Creed be adapted or applied in industries outside of software technology, and what challenges could arise in implementing them in such contexts?

    • Matt, glad you asked that question!  The reality is that many of these values cannot effectively be applied in many other businesses, such as a traditional retail business, or manufacturing or construction. Every situation is unique, and I think the key is to think carefully about it and identify the key drivers of success. 


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